I am a mom, geologist and have a passion for yoga and nature. I am very excitable and love new experiences. In my studies and doctorate this skill carried me through various topic from water management to botany and earth history. All this knowledge led to an imbalance between mind and body, and after some time my body comlained by giving me intense back pain. It was time for new routines, and so I started doing yoga in the morning. Short sequences quickly grew longer, as I experienced the magical positive consequences of yoga.
Even years later, the positive effects of yoga on mind and body motivate me. My thoughts are clearer and I am more creative. I can counteract the carousel of thoughts and thus better control stress and anxiety. I feel not only mentally and physically free. Coupling movement with the breath gives me the feeling of more space in my mind and body. I can control my energy levels through breathing alone and rarely hang flat on the couch. In short, yoga has given my life a new quality, and I want to share that experience with others. That's why I started not only writing about yoga, but also developing sequences for others that are tailored to their needs.
As a researcher, I often wondered why yoga and breathing exercises are so powerful to me and others. During yoga teacher training, I learned quite a bit about anatomy, but somehow there were even more unanswered questions than before. While researching, I was particularly interested in the conflict between esoterics and science, Ayurveda and medicine. In my blog I share my experiences with these opposites.